Presented the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Award by College of Science Dean, Dr. Peggy Agouris and George Mason University President, Dr. Ángel Cabrera.

National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA)
George Mason University
Faculty Affiliate
Environmental Science and Policy Department (ESP)
College of Science
National Parks Conservation Association
Senior Director, Conservation Science
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Pre-Doctoral Researcher
Smithsonian's National Zoological Park (NZP)
Director, Amazon GIS Project
Smithsonian's National Zoological Park, Amazonia Science Gallery
Exhibit and Research Fellow
The World Bank
Consultant, Amazon conservation
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Graduate Student Researcher, Ocelot research program, TX
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (FES)
FES Department Research
National Biological Survey (USFWS)
Seasonal Wildlife Biologist, Wolf research program, MN
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station; Texas A&M University
Graduate Research Assistant, Attwater's Prairie Chicken research program. Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
Gladys Porter Zoo, TX
Biologist, Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle program, field based in Mexico
Texas A&M University, Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
Department Research Assistant
Texas Southmost College, Biology Department
Program support staff
Faculty Affiliate, George Mason University
Environmental Science and Policy Department, ESP
(> 5 years)
Conservation Biology 318; Instructor, Spring
KENYA Study Abroad; Instructor, Winter Break
(> 10 years)
GMU: BIOL 103, Introductory Biology I (TA)
GMU: BIOL 103, Introductory Biology I (Instructor)
GMU: BIOL 104, Introductory Biology II (Instructor)
GMU: BIOL 307, 308 Ecology Lab (TA,)​
GMU: EVPP 377, Applied Ecology. (Instructor)
GMU: EVPP 318, Conservation Biology (Instructor)
(> 10 years)
- SCBI: CONS 640 (case study faculty; Smithsonian Con Biol Inst.)
Smithsonian National Zoo; Lecturer (Amazonia Science Gallery)
The Smithsonian Associates; visiting scientist (US lecture series)​​
Board member. Park Institute of America. (since 2022)
Former board member: Pan American Symphony Orchestra (PASO)
Esri GIS Arc products
GPS / various related software programs
Google mapping platforms
Creative Commons: Adobe and Microsoft Suite software
Graphic Design / Web Design / Media software / Digital photography
Various camera trapping brands, associated software programs
P.I.E. (Picture Information Extractor), for metadata extraction
Miradi. Adaptive Management Software for Conservation Biology
AGU: American Geophysical Union
ESA: Ecological Society of America
CERF: Coastal Education & Research Foundation
AAAS: American Association for the Advancement of Science
AIBS: American Institute of Biological Sciences
SCB: Society for Conservation Biology
SCGIS: Society for Conservation GIS
TWS: The Wildlife Society
AFS: American Fisheries Society
GSA: The Geologic Society of America
AESS: Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences
GWS: The George Wright Society
NGS: National Geographic Society
Yale University: School of the Environment
George Mason University: College of Science
2024 Keynote speaker: National Park Service Internship Career and Leadership Workshop, Washington, DC.
2023 Campus program: Duke Nicholas School of the Environment. The Science of Advocacy at NPCA.
2021, 2022 Program Address. World Strides, Global Workshops, Science and the Environment. Global Youth Leadership.
2019, Keynote Address: National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE), EnvironMentors National Science Fair.
2018, International Wolf Symposium, Minneapolis, MN
Your Science: A Powerful Force for Advocacy​
2018, University of Richmond. Richmond, VA
NPCA: Conservation Science and National Parks​
2018, Duke University. Nicholas School of the Environment. Durham, NC.
Conservation Science Into Action, the role of NPCA​
2018, Yale University. School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
NPCA: Conservation Science and National Parks​
Ph.D. George Mason University, Environmental Science & Policy​​
Distinguished Alumni Award
Large mammal diversity in Laikipia, Kenya
MFS. Yale University, School of the Environment
Nocturnal behavior of ocelot in Texas
BS. Texas A&M University, Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
Outstanding Senior Award
Kemps Ridley sea turtle conservation in Mexico
CWB: Certified Wildlife Biologist (The Wildlife Society)
GIS Training: At various levels (management, research, visualization)
USDA: Graduate School
Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS), alumni
Texas Southmost College (TSC), junior college
PADI: Open Water Diver, SCUBA certified
Though summarized, this site represents the majority of programs I have been involved with. Please contact me for a detailed CV.